4 de abril de 2011

P. G. Wodehouse

Já fiz menção a este autor inglês, um de meus prediletos. Não há muito o que dizer dele, que já não tenha sido comentado com propriedade. Deixo, então, uma palinha para o leitor. A cena, uma prosaica briga entre cães.

“There is about any dog fight a wild, gusty fury which affects the average mortal with something of the helplessness induced by some vast clashing of the elements. It seems so outside one’s jurisdiction. One is oppressed with a sense of the futility of interference. And this was no ordinary dog fight. It was a stunning mêlée, which would have excited favourable comment even among the blasé residents of a Negro quarter or the not easily-pleased critics of a Lancashire mining-village. From all over the beach dogs of every size, breed and colour were racing to the scene: and while some of these merely remained in the ringside seats and barked, a considerable proportion immediately started fighting one another on general principles, well content to be in action without bothering about first causes”.
The Adventures of Sally, P.G. Wodehouse, Penguin.